As goblins, superheroes, and fairy princesses prepare to descend upon Grosse Pointe, the eagerly anticipated “Trick-or-Treat in The Village” promises an afternoon brimming with spooky delights and sugary treats. Set to captivate the community on Thursday, October 31, from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m., this hallmark event transforms the downtown stretch of Kercheval between Cadieux and Neff into a bustling hub of Halloween activity. Kids and families can look forward to trick-or-treating at the numerous welcoming businesses lining the streets, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for the youngest of participants. This year, the festivities are taken to another level with the introduction of several new programming additions, including the enchanting “Little Village.” From 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., this special area will offer children the opportunity to engage in quick and easy fall crafts, snap memorable photos at a Halloween-themed selfie station, and groove to the spooky tunes courtesy of June Detroit Music.
The Celebration
The Halloween celebration in The Village is more than just an opportunity for kids to amass a sweet haul; it’s also the stage for the much-anticipated costume contest. Slated to start around 4:00 p.m., this contest garners the participation of Grosse Pointe’s youngest residents, showcasing their creativity and Halloween spirit through their costume choices. This year, the panel of judges that include the City of Grosse Pointe Mayor Sheila Tomkowiak and Joe Binkowski from Ridge Crest Outfitters, bear the difficult task of selecting the winners. According to Cindy Willcock, the Executive Director of Main Street Grosse Pointe, securing a win translates to significant local bragging rights and community recognition, underlining the contest as a friendly competition that celebrates the creativity and spirit of the participants. The involvement of the city’s parks and recreation department and the partnership with local businesses, who generously fund the candy giveaway out of their own pockets, underscores this event’s integral role in fostering community spirit and supporting the local economy.
Happy Halloween!
The impact of the Trick-or-Treat and costume contest extends beyond just the immediate joy and entertainment it offers. For local businesses, participating in this annual ritual is a meaningful gesture of giving back to the community that supports them year-round. The commitment of nearly every business in The Village to join in the festivities highlights the profound sense of camaraderie and mutual support that defines the Grosse Pointe community. The anticipation surrounding this year’s Halloween event reflects the deeply rooted community values and the collective effort to create memorable experiences for children and families alike. As Halloween approaches, Grosse Pointe’s The Village eagerly awaits the return of its trick-or-treaters and costume connoisseurs, promising a spectacular celebration that is sure to spellbind participants and onlookers with its magical blend of community spirit and Halloween festivity.